[tab: The DiveUltimate Philosophy]

DiveUltimate goes beyond gear configuration. It is a “holistic” approach, a comprehensive vision of diving practices. A simple belief: equipment without specific techniques and procedures is nothing!

Three major interrelated factors that are the foundations for an effective and comfortable practice, ensuring a diver’s complete mastery:

“Technique, configuration, procedures”

The courses and training offered follow these fundamentals in order to create a quality level of technical execution and a true diving control in the surrounding environment guaranteeing greater security and enjoyment while diving!

The Technique:

The fundamentals of diving: “Buoyancy, Trim, Proppulsion”. Fully mastering these elements enables the control of the body in a water column.
Practicing these techniques until they come naturally provides the diver with a freedom to perform any task or skill required from them while any training.
Precise buoyancy control, perfect control of body position in the water, and the use of 5 different finning techniques, allows for better hydrodynamics, saves energy and gas, and permits a perfect execution of any action: taking pictures, placing a line, releasing a buoy; in addition to allowing greater ease of movement in confined areas in cave diving or wreck exploration!



The use of a specific set-up whichever it be: Sidemount, Double tanks, CCR… is only worthwhile with true mastery of the its specific usage procedures.
DiveUltimate is also the result of research into linking these procedures to the gear configuration. Each piece of equipment will find its justification in the procedures corresponding to it!

Diving with back-mounted double tanks is not only carring two tanks on your back, just as diving with a sidemount configuration is not attaching sloppily two tanks under your arms: the performance of equipment handling tehniques and effective potential risk management are what provides the security offered by the presence of equipment elements!

A clean and precise technique is what allows you to perform the various necessary procedures with ease.


The configuration:

An optimized configuration drives greater efficiency and comfort.
DiveUltimate seeks to simplify the hardware, eliminating weak points, facilitating the localization of various components while carefully placing them to be protected from the surrounding environment your are evolving threw: accessibility, hydrodynamics, reliability, and consistency with the procedures for risk management and equipment handling.

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Today, DiveUltimate comprises several instructors who have adopted these precepts in their dive training; experienced trainers that can be found on the website:



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